Wednesday, June 20, 2012

manufacture A Dollhouse Using Household Objects


The covering shell of the dollhouse can be made with a variety of objects, but for our purposes we will use a cardboard box. A small cardboard box is great for building a more basic dollhouse, but if you have visions of a mansion of household objects, you may want to use a Tv box or another large box. A large dollhouse can be filled with lots of smaller objects to contribute walls and partitions, so procure a few smaller boxes that will fit in the big box.

Other materials that make great additions for household object dollhouses include:

Dollhouse Families

o Egg cartons

o Paper clips

o Plastic caps

o Plastic baskets

o Adhesive shelf paper

o Straws

o Pushpins

The possibilities for household objects to build a dollhouse are endless. If it looks like it could work in your dollhouse, it probably will. Use your imagination to "wallpaper" your dollhouse with adhesive shelf paper or build a sink with a straw for a faucet. There is no wrong way to build a homemade household object dollhouse, so go wild and include the kids for a great time!

Building from Scratch

Once you have gathered an assortment of materials and supplies, it's time to start building your dollhouse from the ground up. You may want to color the covering of the box with crayons or felt pens. Cut holes for doors and windows. Attach pictures out of a magazine or inventory for outdoor décor, if it suits you, and let your imagination run wild when creating the covering of your mansion.

After the covering is satisfactory, move to the inside and start constructing your kitchen. A great idea for a "stainless steel stove" is to use a tea box, flip it on its side, and cut off the top half. Cut a door for the front of your "stove" and glue on pieces of cardboard for the top of the oven. Cover the stove with foil and draw in varied features as you like. There are several great ideas for creating normal household appliances, many of which will come to you just by seeing at the varied objects.

A toilet can be made with a painted soap box, a bathtub or bathroom sink can be made with half of a tea box, cotton balls can make throw pillows, paper towel tubes can make chimney stacks, and cereal boxes can make dressers and beds for the bedroom. There are hundreds and hundreds of great ideas for constructing great features for a household object dollhouse. It can be as detailed or as generic as you wish.

manufacture A Dollhouse Using Household Objects

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